Quarts to liters Metric Tables

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quad to stone
If you can't find the units you need read the message about similar types below.
You might be asking the impossible by converting into the wrong units.
For metric conversions go to a unit starting with -
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y

These units multiplied by ...... ..this factor will... ..convert to these units.
quad 1.055056E+18 joules
quadrants (angle) 90 degrees
quadrants (angle) 5400 minutes
quadrants (angle) 1.571 radians
quadrants (angle) 3.24E+05 seconds
quarter (2 stone) 12.70059 kilogram
quarts (dry) 67.2 cu inches
quarts (liquid) 946.4 cu cms
quarts (liquid) 0.03342 cu feet
quarts (liquid) 57.75 cu inches
quarts (liquid) 9.46E-04 cu metres
quarts (liquid) 1.24E-03 cu yards
quarts (liquid) 0.25 gallons
quarts (liquid) 0.9463 litres
quintal 100 kilogram
rad (ionising radiation) 0.01 gray (Gy)(joule/kg)
radians 57.29578 degrees
radians 3438 minutes
radians 2.06E+05 seconds
radians/sec 57.29578 degrees/sec
radians/sec 9.549 revolutions/min
radians/sec 0.1592 revolutions/sec
radians/sec/sec 572.9578 revs./min/min
radians/sec/sec 9.549 revs./min/sec
radians/sec/sec 0.1592 revs./sec/sec
réaumur 1.25 celsius (oC)
register ton (shipping) 2.831685 cu. metre
rem 0.01 sievert (Sv)
revolutions 360 degrees
revolutions 4 quadrants
revolutions 6.283185 radians
revolutions/min (rpm) 6 degrees/sec
revolutions/min 0.1047198 radians/sec
revolutions/min 0.01667 revs./sec
revolutions/min/min 1.75E-03 radians/sec/sec
revolutions/min/min 0.01667 revs/min/min
revolutions/min/min 2.78E-04 revs/sec/sec
revolutions/sec 360 degrees/sec
revolutions/sec 6.283 radians/sec
revolutions/sec 60 revs/min
revolutions/sec/sec 6.283 radians/sec/sec
revolutions/sec/sec 3600 revs/min/min
revolutions/sec/sec 60 revs/min/sec
rhe 10 per pascal sec
rod 0.25 chain (Gunter's)
rod 5.02921 metres
rods (surveyor's meas.) 5.5 yards
rods 16.5 feet
rontgen 2.58E-04 coulomb per kilogram
rood (UK) 1011.715 sq. metre
These units multiplied by ...... ..this factor will... ..convert to these units.
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Related pages
" Home page
" Info on SI Units
" SI Unit Descriptions
" SI Derived Units
" SI Prefixes (mega, giga)
" Imperial/UK Units
" Scientific Notation
--(i.e. what is 1.00E+09)

Detail pages
" Feet to metres calculator
" Metres to feet calculator
British Thermal Units Btu
" Density of bulk materials
" Density of liquids
" Specific Gravity of water
" Density of metals
" Density of woods
" Kitchen metric
" Medical metric
" Parts per million - ppm
" Clothing metric
" Yarn metric
" Time
" cc to hp
" Paper & Envelopes
" Gross to Nett price
" Nett to Gross price
" Add on Commission
" Sheet metal swg - mm
" Wire & rod swg - awg
" Electrical wire swg - awg
" Steam tables (4 pages)
" Watts, amps, volts, ohms
" M Threads & spanners
" Self tapping screws
" M tap & pilot drill sizes
Other useful sections


We have tried to be accurate with the above table but cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies.
Go back to first principals and double check your calculations if the result is 'mission critical'.

The scientific notation used in the factors column helps to reduce long numbers to a manageable width. E+01 means moving the decimal point one space to the right so 1.00E+01 is shorthand for 10, then 1.33E+00 stays at 1.33 and 1.33E-01 becomes 0.133. The format tends to be used when the figure gets longer so E+09 or E-09 cuts out a lot of noughts.

Task: How many sq.rods in 10 acres.
From the tables: 1 acre = 160 sq.rods, so
10 acres x 160 = 1600 sq.rods
When you want to reverse the conversion,
divide by the factor viz.
1600 sq.rods/160 = 10 acres

Impossible Conversions
Remember that you cannot create energy only convert it. Likewise, you will not find a conversion from pounds to metres - the basic units must remain the same - mass converted to mass, length converted to length, et al.

You won't usually find a conversion from kilograms to grams - the prefix 'kilo' means '1,000' so a kilogram is in fact 1,000 grams in the same way as a kilometer is 1,000 metres [or about 1,000 yards in 'old money']. I have put a few in the table because visitors have asked for them. More examples can be found on the prefix table.

One handy metric link between units to remember is that 1 Litre [1000cc] of pure water weighs 1 kilogram.

If accuracy is critical beware of old versions of MS Excel which had problems rounding off numbers.

Metrication is a great help but has also created anomalies; I have seen pressure gauges changed from a commonly used psi to kg/cm.sq., bar, pascal, kPa and atmos but will no doubt move to a popular metric standard in a few decades.

More information on the SI System (Le Système International d'Unités) base units and definitions.


last modified: 6th. September 2007

© 1998 - 2016 roger walker