Foot pounds to Joules - Metric Tables

fahrenheit fathoms furlong
If you can't find the units you need read the message about similar types below.
You might be asking the impossible by converting into the wrong units.
For metric conversions go to a unit starting with -
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y

These units multiplied by ...... ..this factor will... ..convert to these units.
fahrenheit (°F) -32 x 0.55555 celsius (°C)
farads 0.000001 microfarads
farad (international of 1948) 0.999505 farad
faraday/sec 96500 ampere (absolute)
faradays 26.8 ampere-hours
faraday (based on carbon- 12) 96485.31 coulomb
faraday (chemical) 96495.7 coulomb per mole
faraday (physical) 96521.9 coulomb per mole
fathoms 1.828804 metre
fathoms 6 feet
fathoms 15 shackle
feet (ft.) 30.48 centimetres
feet 0.0003048 kilometres
feet, inches, fractions calculator here metres, cm, mm
feet (English Imperial) 0.3048 metres
feet (US survey) 0.3048006 metres
feet (Cape) 0.3148581 metres
feet (geodetic Cape) 0.314855575 metres
feet 0.0001645 miles (naut.)
feet 0.0001894 miles (stat.)
feet 304.8 millimetres
feet 12000 mils
feet of water 0.0295 amospheres
feet of water 0.8826 in. of mercury
feet of water 0.03048 kgs/sq. cm
feet of water 304.8 kgs/sq. metre
feet of water 62.43 pounds/sq. ft
feet of water 0.4335 pounds/sq. in
feet/min (fpm) 0.508 cms/sec
feet/min 0.01667 feet/sec
feet/min 0.01829 kms/hr
feet/min 0.3048 metres/min
feet/min 0.01136 miles/hr
feet/sec 30.48 cms/sec
feet/sec 1.097 kms/hr
feet/sec 0.5921 knots
feet/sec 18.29 metres/min
feet/sec 0.6818 miles/hr
feet/sec 0.01136 miles/min
feet/sec/sec 30.48 cms/sec/sec
feet/sec/sec 1.097 kms/hr/sec
feet/sec/sec 0.3048 meters/sec/sec
feet/sec/sec 0.6818 miles/hr/sec
feet/100 feet 1 percent grade
fermi 1.00E-15 metre
foot (ft. - singular of feet) 0.3048 metre
foot (Cape) 0.3148581 metre
foot (geodetic Cape) 0.314855575 metre
foot (South African geodetic) 0.304797265 metre
foot-candle 10.76391 lumen/sq. metre
foot lambert 3.426259 candela per sq. metre
foot-pounds 0.001286 Btu
foot-pounds 1.36E+07 ergs
foot-pounds 0.3238 gram-calories
foot-pounds 5.05E-07 hp-hrs
foot-pounds 1.355818 joules
foot-pounds 0.000324 kg-calories
foot-pounds 0.1383 kg-metres
foot-pounds 3.77E-07 kilowatt-hrs
foot-pounds/min 0.001286 Btu/min
foot-pounds/min 0.01667 foot-pounds/sec
foot-pounds/min 0.0000303 horsepower
foot-pounds/min 0.000324 kg-calories/min
foot-pounds/min 0.0226 watts
foot-pounds/sec 4.6263 Btu/hr
foot-pounds/sec 0.07717 Btu/min
foot-pounds/sec 8.18E-04 horsepower
foot-pounds/sec 1.01945 kg-calories/min
foot-pounds/sec 1.355818 watts
footE+04 (second moment of area) 8.630975E-03 metre to the fourth power
franklin (Fr) 3.3356641E-10 coulomb (C)
frigorie 1.162639 watt
furlongs 0.125 miles (US)
furlongs 40 rods
furlongs 660 feet
ft 1 foot or feet
These units multiplied by ...... ..this factor will... ..convert to these units.
goto top
Related pages
" Home page
" Info on SI Units
" SI Unit Descriptions
" SI Derived Units
" SI Prefixes (mega, giga)
" Imperial/UK Units
" Scientific Notation
--(i.e. what is 1.00E+09)

Detail pages
" Feet to metres calculator
" Metres to feet calculator
British Thermal Units Btu
" Density of bulk materials
" Density of liquids
" Specific Gravity of water
" Density of metals
" Density of woods
" Kitchen metric
" Medical metric
" Parts per million - ppm
" Clothing metric
" Yarn metric
" Time
" cc to hp
" Paper & Envelopes
" Gross to Nett price
" Nett to Gross price
" Add on Commission
" Sheet metal swg - mm
" Wire & rod swg - awg
" Electrical wire swg - awg
" Steam tables (4 pages)
" Watts, amps, volts, ohms
" M Threads & spanners
" Self tapping screws
" M tap & pilot drill sizes
Other useful sections


We have tried to be accurate with the above table but cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies.
Go back to first principals and double check your calculations if the result is 'mission critical'.

The scientific notation used in the factors column helps to reduce long numbers to a manageable width. E+01 means moving the decimal point one space to the right so 1.00E+01 is shorthand for 10, then 1.33E+00 stays at 1.33 and 1.33E-01 becomes 0.133. The format tends to be used when the figure gets longer so E+09 or E-09 cuts out a lot of noughts.

Task: How many sq.rods in 10 acres.
From the tables: 1 acre = 160 sq.rods, so
10 acres x 160 = 1600 sq.rods
When you want to reverse the conversion,
divide by the factor viz.
1600 sq.rods/160 = 10 acres

Impossible Conversions
Remember that you cannot create energy only convert it. Likewise, you will not find a conversion from pounds to metres - the basic units must remain the same - mass converted to mass, length converted to length, et al.

You won't usually find a conversion from kilograms to grams - the prefix 'kilo' means '1,000' so a kilogram is in fact 1,000 grams in the same way as a kilometer is 1,000 metres [or about 1,000 yards in 'old money']. I have put a few in the table because visitors have asked for them. More examples can be found on the prefix table.

One handy metric link between units to remember is that 1 Litre [1000cc] of pure water weighs 1 kilogram.

If accuracy is critical beware of old versions of MS Excel which had problems rounding off numbers.

Metrication is a great help but has also created anomalies; I have seen pressure gauges changed from a commonly used psi to kg/cm.sq., bar, pascal, kPa and atmos but will no doubt move to a popular metric standard in a few decades.

More information on the SI System (Le Système International d'Unités) base units and definitions.


last modified: 6th. September 2007

© 1998 - 2016 roger walker